The 2024 Euan’s Guide Access Survey is live!

A graphic design with a megaphone and the text make your voice heard. Colours are teal, purple and yellow.

The 2024 Euan’s Guide Access Survey Supported by Motability Operations is now live!

Please take the survey and share the link with your friends, families, carers and health professionals – basically, anyone who has ever had to consider disabled access. 

2024 marks a decade of the Access Survey and we’re asking anyone who has ever had to consider disabled access to share their opinions on accessibility by taking what is the UK’s largest access survey. By completing the survey you’re making your voice heard and, ultimately, helping us make the world a more accessible place.

The survey is a long one – it takes about 20 minutes to complete. The reason for this is so that we can get a clear idea of how you feel about disabled access. We want to provide an opportunity for you to have your say - your experiences and thoughts matter, and we want to do our best to support our community in amplifying your voices. Getting as much data as possible will allow us to do this to the best of our ability.

Last year, the Access Survey found that of the 6,000+ respondents:

  • 91% try to find disabled access information before visiting a new place
  • 79% have experienced a disappointing trip or have had to change plans due to poor accessibility
  • 77% are more likely to visit somewhere new if they can find relevant access information
  • 76% found accessibility information on a venue’s website to be misleading, confusing or inaccurate
  • 76% said accurate disabled access information improves confidence when visiting somewhere new
  • 62% are more likely to visit somewhere new if they can see what others have said beforehand
  • 59% avoid going to a venue if it has not shared its access information because they assume it’s inaccessible
  • 47% are very likely to share their experiences of disabled access with others

Our co-founder, Euan’s sister Kiki, said, “The Access Survey is extremely important in establishing how disabled people, their families, friends and carers feel about disabled access through their own lived experiences, and in gathering vital data on what disabled access is actually like in real life.

“Last year we heard from our community that 91% try to find disabled access information before visiting a new place, and over half will avoid going to a venue if it has not shared its disabled access information because they assume it’s inaccessible. Venues, businesses and organisations must share their disabled access information so that disabled people can plan their travel and visits as easily and as stress-free as possible.

“However, despite the importance of accurate and up-to-date disabled access information, 76% of last year’s survey respondents said they’ve found accessibility information on a venue’s website to be misleading, confusing or inaccurate, with 79% saying they’ve experienced a disappointing trip or had to change plans due to poor accessibility. This is unacceptable - it excludes and undervalues disabled people and we want to change that. We want to hear from the disabled community in this year’s survey to find out if they feel the same way about disabled access in 2024.

“We’re delighted to be partnering with Motability Operations again this year to amplify the voices and experiences of disabled people. Anyone who has had to consider disabled access, please make your voice heard by taking our 2024 Access Survey so we can continue to work together to make a positive difference in the lives of disabled people.”

Andrew Miller, Chief Executive of Motability Operations said: "The Euan’s Guide Access Survey plays a crucial role in understanding the experiences of disabled people and highlights where improvements can be made, which is why I'm proud to continue our support of this vital work. 

“Euan’s work made the world a more accessible place for disabled people and, in the tenth year of the survey, we’re encouraging people to have their say in the UK’s largest access survey.

"I encourage anyone who has ever had to consider disabled access to share their views and help shape a future where accessibility is no longer a barrier."

As well as general disabled access, the survey covers topics such as accessible toilets and parking, the new government, tech, and public and private transport. The data and insights from the survey help to shape our work around amplifying the voices and experiences of disabled people.

You can take the survey on our website at


Tags: disability access, disabled access, disabled access information, Access Survey, euan's guide access survey


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